Show current proxy OneAgent version 1.185 Use the -get-tenant-token parameter to display the currently defined token: Use the -get-tenant parameter to display the environment ID: The Dynatrace environment ID you received with your activation email. Starting with OneAgent version 1.207, endpoints are reported using a format in which endpoints of equal priority are grouped using braces ( Show environment ID

These can be Dynatrace Server, Dynatrace Managed Cluster or ActiveGate. Use the -get-server parameter to display the endpoints that OneAgent is to send the data to. Show current communication endpoints OneAgent version 1.185 If an endpoint detail changes, the cluster notifies OneAgent of the change and OneAgent automatically updates the endpoint you set using the -set-server to the new working value. OneAgent and Dynatrace Cluster automatically maintain a working connection.
This command will immediately change the OS module connection endpoint, but the code modules won't be able to read the new setting until the next restart. For OS-specific instructions, see Linux, Windows, or AIX. Add -restart-service to the command to restart OneAgent automatically (version 1.189+) or stop and start OneAgent process manually.

These parameters require restart of OneAgent, as well as restart of all the applications monitored with deep code modules. oneagentctl -set-server= -set-tenant=abc123456 -set-tenant-token=abcdefg123456790 -set-proxy= Run the following command to adjust OneAgent connection settings: Use the -set-proxy parameter to set a proxy server.Always use in combination with -set-tenant Use the -set-tenant-token parameter to set the tenant token, which is used to authenticate communication with the defined endpoint.

Always use in combination with -set-tenant-token, which defines the tenant token for internal authentication. If you're selling Dynatrace-based services, use this option to set your customers' IDs from the pool of IDs you purchased from Dynatrace. By default, this is already set to the correct value.
If you try to run oneagentctl in a non-admin Windows console, Windows will display a User Account Control pop-up and fail.